Navigating a world of competition

At Simply Canadian Candle Company, we have quickly learned just how difficult it is to fight against the competition. Rachel thought that the early stages of learning how to make candles would be the most challenging part of this business. We have both learned that this was nothing compared to learning how to market and fight the competition. 

Personally, I have spent countless hours late into the night learning and understanding marketing and ways to improve our company. I truly believe we have an amazing product, but the challenging part is trying to convince others of that. We have tried all kinds of different avenues to do this. The first has been advertising through social media. This has been an effective way to improve traffic to our website, but it has never yielded any sales as people become quickly skeptical. People have become increasingly more reliant on reviews on products due to large companies that provide you with thousands of people who have reviewed a product which immediately instills trust or distrust if the reviews are negative. 

Competition will always be a challenge, but it is not necessarily a negative, instead, it forces us to continue to improve our products and our company. It is a necessary evil to ensure that you guys are purchasing a product that is worth your money. So, although it is difficult to fight against the competition, it is absolutely necessary in all business. We hope that with time, people will start to trust us more and more as they see others have done the same and have shown that what we have to offer is worth the money and is truly an incredible product. 

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